Google ChromeOS Flex Is Now Ready To Run Your Old PCs And Macs

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Google ChromeOS Flex Is Now Ready to Run Your Old PCs and Macs

Google ChromeOS Flex Is Now Ready to Run Your Old PCs and Macs

ChromeOS Flex is an operating system that can be installed onto your old PCs and Macs that will in essence turn them into a Chromebook. Google announced an early version of the OS for testing in February but a stable version is now available to download for free. 

Google showed off some of the impressive results of its early access program in a post on Google's blog. For starters, Google has certified 295 devices that will work with ChromeOS Flex. It will continue to test different devices and update the list of certified devices, so be sure to keep an eye open if your device isn't already certified. However, even if a device isn't certified, it will likely still work with your computer.  

Google also reported that its early access testing program allowed the ChromeOS Flex team to catch over 600 bugs, so things should be running smoothly when you go to try out ChromeOS Flex. 

Anyone who wants to test ChromeOS Flex can again download it for free. It can be run directly from a thumb drive, too, so there's no need to install it on a computer to try it out. If you decide you want to install the OS, you can do it straight from the USB drive. Installing it will also improve the performance of the operating system. 

Google's blog post also showcased other ChromeOS Flex features.  In particular, it highlighted sustainability, with ChromeOS Flex using 19% less power than other devices and that repurposing old laptops that would otherwise be discarded will contribute to combating the 40 million tons of e-waste produced each year. 

Additionally, the ChromeOS Flex team shared a story about how the operating system helped a real small business in need. When Nordic Choice Hotels was hit by a ransomware attack, it was able to install ChromeOS Flex across its devices to get back online. 

