You Can Now Listen To Podcasts On Twitter

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You Can Now Listen to Podcasts on Twitter

You Can Now Listen to Podcasts on Twitter

Podcasts are now available to stream directly from the Spaces tab on Twitter, the social media giant said in a blog post Thursday. Starting today, you can head over to your Spaces tab, which is essentially Twitter's answer to audio-chat app Clubhouse, and listen to popular podcasts from around the world.

From the podcasts hub in the Spaces tab, you'll find automatically suggested podcasts based on your Twitter activity. For instance, if you regularly interact with content from a particular publication, you'll likely see podcasts from that publication, Twitter said. You can also give a podcast a thumbs-up or a thumbs-down to further customize which podcasts Twitter suggests.  

"Starting today, the reimagined Spaces Tab, including the addition of podcasts, will be visible to a group of global English-speaking audience on iOS and Android," Twitter said.

